History of 
Auburn Skin Divers Association

Central New York State -- Finger Lakes Region

Bud Carrol, Roger Horning, Ed Welsh, Bill Wildner and John Wildner.

Though records as to who served when for the most part are lost to history, it is believed that Bud Carrol, Roger Horning, Ed Welsh, Bill Wildner and John Wildner served into the 1960's.
Robyn Warn in 1969
Howard Trowbridge, John Tomandl, Ron Witter, Jack Wade and others through the 1970's
John DePasquale served 1974
Richard Zielinski, John Tomandl, Peter Odell in the 1980's
Gary Tanner 1887-88
Greg Harris 1989 - 2001
Clay Caldwell and Bob Dewitt Co-Presidents April 2001-04
R. J. Bent since January 2005

Again though most records are lost to history what has been saved indicates
John Foster served 1969
John DePasquale in 1974
Rick Horr since January 2005

Earlier records are lost
Felix Revette served 1969
Mike Lehman served 1974
Ron Witter served from the early 1970's until surgery of removal of a brain tumor made continuing in that role impossible.  Ron also served as club treasurer for many years, sometimes serving both posts concurrently. Secretarial duties were divided up between a recording secretary and a corresponding secretary and again records as to who served when and which job are lost to history for the most part.
Mark Wenderlich served during much of the 1980's
Peter Santarello and Teresa Hoffmann served a term in the late 1980's
John Tomandl served 1990-92
Shari Dempsey served 1993-99
Cher Benda served 1998-2004
Chris Matijas served 2000-04
Janet Marsden since 2005

Earlier records are lost
Warren Lum served 1969
Ron Witter served 1972-82
Jeffrey Cole served 1974
Teresa Hoffmann 1983-85
Chris Barron served 1986-89
Tina Barry served 1990-95
Cher Benda served 1996 - 2004
Diana O'Brien since 2005

Howard Trowbridge served 1969
Gary Tanner served 1970

Clay Caldwell since September 1997
Cher Benda since July 1999

Bud Carrol, Roger Horning, Ed Welsh, Bill Wildner and John Wildner founded Auburn Skin Divers Club about 1958 or "so". Early members were: Jeff Cole, Mike Hughes, Tom Hughes, Sam Lupo, Dennis McCarthy, Skip Nevin, Peter Odell, Barry Otto, Felix Revett, John Tomandl, Robin Warren, Mark Wenderlich, Ron Witter and many others. Howard Trowbridge joined the club in the spring of 1966 and began teaching scuba at the "Y" in 1968/69 and continued until 1987. The 1970's welcomed Charlie Bender, Skip Couch and a host of "River Members" (those who lived a log or dove regularly in the St. Lawrence), Jim Hoxie, Judith & Robert Schluter and many others.

Tales of diving with the Buffalo Aqua Club on the "coin pile" in Lake Erie and of wrecks galore in the St. Lawrence River area are plentiful.

From the 1960's to mid 1980's club members were strong supporters of New York State Divers Association (NYSDA). John Tomandl, Howard Trowbridge, Dick Zielinski and others served as presidents of NYSDA as well as ASDA. They also served in other offices over the years.

During the 1980's Underwater New York was sponsored by the Auburn Skin Divers and supported by area clubs and NYSDA.  It was held annually for eight years (1980-87).   The first three were held at the Civic Center in Syracuse, New York, the fourth at S/S Peter & John's in Auburn, New York (however, that proved to be too small) and the last four were held at the Holiday Inn in Auburn, New York.   It boasted an annual scholarship award as well as diving displays and an evening of entertainment with well known quest speakers the likes of Mel Fisher from Treasure Dives on Atocha, Ellsworth Boyd from New Jersey, who is still a magazine writer today, writing about wreck facts, Stan Waterman and other professional filmmakers and pioneers in diving world.  We did turn over the sponsorship to NYSDA in the final years.

Since 1989 we have held Annual Underwater Pumpkin Carving Contests on Skaneateles Lake.  Held at camp around the Lake, this event is fast becoming the largest diver turnout events of the year. 

Since 1991 our club has been involved in underwater clean-up, participating in the Aquatic World Awareness, Responsibility and Education (AWARE) Project ... an international program aimed at educating divers to preserve their underwater environment. 

Since 2001 Gary and Sue Blakney Wilson have extended an invitation to all Auburn Skin Divers Association families, hosting a weekend of camping, diving, kayaking and water sport fun at their family Woodlot camp on Skaneateles Lake. 

Other club projects have included:

Annual Club activities include 

Today we consist of divers from Greater Central New York, within a 75 mile radius of our founding city, Auburn.  We joined the "Electronic age" with a club web site and email to communicate club information regarding scheduled weekly dives in local lakes, as well as weekend dives to popular diving spots that are within an easy drive.

New members are always welcome! 

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